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10 Fun Earrings Quotes for Women

10 Fun Earrings Quotes for Women



 1.  Women should never go without earrings. Passing on them is an opportunity missed. - Jennifer Lopez 

Jennifer Lopez Earrings Quote


2. Jewelry has the power to be the one little thing that makes you feel unique.

- Elizabeth Taylor 

Earrings Quote for Women


 3. I love maxi dresses, I feel so great when I put on a maxi dress, big earrings and sandals. 

 - Poppy Delevingne

Earrings Quote, Earrings for women


4. Jewelry Always Fits 

Jewelry Always Fits Quotes, Earrings Always Fit Quote


5. When the hoop earrings go on. The boss babe come out. 


Boss Babe Quotes, Hoop Earrings for women


6. You're never fully dressed without jewelry. 


Earrings Quotes, you're never fully dressed without jewelry



7. I feel the same way about jewelry as I do food. I want it ALL


Jewelry and food, I want it all


8. Jewelry is our favorite art! 


Jewelry is my favorite art quote


9. I don't want to brag or make anybody jealous, but....I can still fit into the earrings I wore in high school. 


earrings quotes.



10. Life is too short to wear boring jewelry. 


Life is too short earring quote




 10 fun earrings quotes for women earrings quotes for women, hoop earrings, earrings for women, Earrings for girls






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